
Set of guiding principles

  • Ensure the quality of the energy delivered to the electricity grids.
  • Continuously improve the technical and commercial relationship with Electra (Public Company for Electricity and Water).
  • Comply with the requirements of ISO 9001, legal and statutory, contractual and others that the company subscribes with interested parties.
  • Ensure effective process management and compliance with internal control procedures.
  • Continuously improve the quality management system.
  • Establish, periodically, quality objectives that help implement the quality policy.

Scope of application

Cabeólica implements a QMS in the following scope:

"Production and Commercialization of electricity from wind energy on the islands of Santiago, São Vicente, Sal and Boa Vista."

Quality Objectives

  • Comply with all delivery parameters of the wind energy produced, aiming to achieve the goal of "0 wind farm shutdowns" originated by Cabeólica's wind farms.
  • Hold 2 bi-annual meetings, technical and commercial, with Electra.
  • Implement 2 improvements to the SGQ.