In 2013, Cabeólica successfully registered the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and signed an Emission Reduction Sale and Purchase Agreement for the sale of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) over a seven-year period.
The CDM was created under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to assist the process of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the fight against climate change.
After a rigorous validation process, the United Nations registered the project as a clean energy producer that avoids GHG emissions. "Cabeólica and Cape Verde are proud of the integration of this project in the CDM due to the importance of this Framework Convention and the worldwide recognition of the clean energy we produce" said Antão Fortes, Cabeólica's CEO at the time.
With an installed capacity of 25.5 MW, Cabeólica generates more than a fifth of the electricity consumed in the main islands, avoiding, on average, the generation of about 55,000 tons of GHG per year, in addition to contributing to the reduction of fuel import needs. The United Nations launched the CDM in February 2001 with the aim of mitigating global climate change.
This mechanism allows projects aimed at reducing GHG emissions in developed countries to receive Certified Emission Reduction credits that can be sold or purchased so that each country contributes to meeting the targets set by the Kyoto Protocol.