Know more about the origin and objectives of this ambitious and pioneering project, as well as the results achieved so far, which reflect its importance for the socio-economic development of Cape Verde.
Cabeólica is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) established in 2008 between Infraco Limited, a privately managed infrastructure development company financed by funds from some European Union countries (which acted as the project's main developer), the Government of Cape Verde, through the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy, and Electra, SARL, a local concessionaire.
The PPP had as goals, the development, financing, construction, ownership and operation of four wind farms in Cape Verde, with a total installed capacity of 25.5 MW, distributed by the islands of Santiago (9.35 MW), São Vicente (5.95 MW), Sal (7.65 MW) and Boa Vista (2.55 MW).
Thus, the company's main goal is to produce electricity for the national grid under the regime of independent producer, using wind energy, non-polluting, renewable and naturally abundant.

In 2010, Africa Finance Corporation, a Pan-African development finance institution based in Nigeria, and the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation, a Finnish industrial development institution, joined Cabeólica as strategic reference partners and majority investors.
Also in 2010, having secured long-term loans from the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank, Cabeólica signed a comprehensive engineering, procurement, construction and installation contract with Vestas®, one of the world's leading wind turbine manufacturers. The contract guaranteed the construction of four wind farms equipped with 30 V52-850 kw wind turbines, the respective substations, access roads and transmission lines. Construction work on the wind farms began in December 2010.

The year 2011 is marked by the completion of the first two wind farms - Santiago and São Vicente.
The first wind farm to be completed was the Santiago wind farm, which began injecting energy into the grid (test phase) in September 2011 and takeover certificate was signed on December 28, 2011, on which date Cabeólica definitively took over the farm. It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, José Maria Neves, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cabeólica, Oliver Andrews, on October 21, 2011.
At the end of the year, the construction of the São Vicente wind farm was completed. The wind farm started feeding energy into the grid (test phase) in October 2011 and the takeover certificate takeover was signed on December 28, 2011. It was also inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, José Maria Neves, and the Vice President of the shareholder InfraCo, Fabio Borba, on November 11, 2011.
Cabeólica achieves its first international recognition: it receives the prize for Best Renewable Energy Project in Africa awarded by the Africa Energy Awards.

In July 2012 saw the conclusion of the construction phase of the wind farms, with the operational phase, which is expected to continue over the next 20 years, having also begun that year.
The Sal wind farm began injecting electricity into the grid in a test phase before the end of 2011, however, the takeover certificate was signed on February 17, 2012, on which date Cabeolica definitively took over operation. The wind farm was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, José Maria Neves, and by Cabeolica Board Director, Richard Perry, on February 28, 2012.
The last wind farm to be completed was Boa Vista whose takeover certificate takeover was signed on July 18, 2012, and this farm was inaugurated by the Cape Verdean Prime Minister, José Maria Neves, and Cabeólica's Managing Director, Herkko Lehdonvirta, on April 20, 2012.

In 2013, the company overcame the last hurdles it faced in the construction of the wind farms and marked its first full year with all four wind farms in full operation.
Cabeólica now strongly contributes to the implementation of Cape Verde's national policy to reduce the country's dependence on imported fossil fuels, increasing energy production from wind farms, which represented 20% of the total electricity distributed in the country's grid in 2013.
The year was also marked by the Ashden Award for Small Island Developing States, with support from the World Bank and SIDS, and recognition as one of the best public-private partnerships in sub- Saharan Africa by the International Finance Corporation and Infrastructure Journal. The company was also a finalist for the AfriCAN Climate Good Practice Award and Cabeólica's case was published as an example of good practice on the AfriCAN Climate website.

In 2014 Cabeólica maintained its status as the first commercial-scale wind power PPP in sub-Saharan Africa and the main actor in initiating a major change in the national energy sector having reached 24% of the total electricity production produced in the country.
In May 2014, Cabeólica was awarded the prize for best clean energy project, at the 1st Green Project Award Gala, in Cape Verde, in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency category, being the first prize awarded to the company at a national level, after having already achieved some honorable distinctions at an international level.

In 2015, Cabeólica proceeded, for the first time, to sell carbon credits (CERs) to the international market.
That year, during the global negotiations related to climate change, Cape Verde assumed the Paris agreement and submitted its INDC, committing to completely reduce its CO2 equivalent emissions in electricity production by 2025. Cabeólica is currently the company that contributes most to this goal, being the main producer of renewable energy in Cape Verde's energy matrix.
Also in 2015, the company achieved an important feat: the Sal wind farm broke the record for monthly wind power penetration in the grid, contributing 55% of total electricity produced on the island.

Cabeólica completed 5 years of producing clean energy in Cape Verde. With 4 wind farms in full operation, the company's positive performance was important for the country and the region, having been awarded several national and international awards and distinctions.
In 2016, Cabeólica changed its shareholder composition with the transfer of the stake belonging to InfraCo Africa Limited to AFC Equity Investments Limited.
It was also the year in which the EOLO program "We Are Energy" reached more 4th grade children: 28 schools were visited, 64 classes in a total of 1,737 students. This program is dedicated to teaching about renewable energy sources and energy efficiency and is introduced in schools in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Cabeólica starts the year by promoting a debate on Cabeólica's performance and impact on the country during the 5 years of full operation and the importance of consistent renewable energy projects. With different international stakeholders, including high-level government members, the consensus on the importance of projects such as Cabeólica to achieve the goals that were set for Cape Verde was clear.
The Seminar also addressed the contribution of the Cabeólica model in the ECOWAS context, as well as, the impact it has generated on electricity supply.

In 2018, the transfer of Cabeólica's shares held by the founding investors, InfraCo Africa Limited, Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation (Finnfund), to Anergi Asset Company (Anergi) was completed. Anergi thus reinforces its position as the majority investor, holding a 94% stake in Cabeólica, with the State of Cape Verde and Electra holding the remaining stakes.
Improved Performance
Also in 2018, the company produced 85,154 MWh of wind power, the best performance in terms of energy generation since the start of commercial operation.

In 2020, a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the transfer of the stake in Cabeólica from Anergi Asset Company to AFC Equity Investments is completed and Cabeólica receives ISO 9001/2 quality certification.

The year 2021 is marked by the entry of A. P. Moller Capital into Cabólica's shareholder structure.
On October 1, 2021, through the Africa Infrastructure Fund, A.P. Moller Capital acquires a 44% stake in Cabeólica S.A., reinforcing the company's purpose of consolidation and growth in the supply of renewable energy in a continuous, reliable and efficient way in Cape Verde.

The year 2022 was marked by the signing of the memorandum between Cabeolica and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy of Cape Verde, regarding the new expansion project and celebration of the company's 10 years of operation registering these main milestones:
1 - A decade of Cabeolica's Leadership in renewable energies in Cabo Verde, 5 prestigious international awards and distinctions, 800 GWh of clean energy generated, 512,590 tons of CO2 avoided in the atmosphere and 15,000,000 litres of fossil fuels annually avoided.
2 - New Cabeolica expansion project, which includes the addition of 3 wind turbines of 4.5 MW and storage systems (BESS) with operation to start in 2024:
- Expansion of the Santiago wind farm by + 13 MW.
- BESS in Santiago and Sal.
- Annual savings for the country can reach up to EUR 10,000,000.
- Increase of renewable energy penetration rate from about 20% to about 30% in Cape Verde in 2025.

Cabeólica is a pioneer company in the area of wind energy in Cape Verde, responsible and efficient, committed to creating value for its stakeholders, committed to the socio-economic development of the country, contributing to wind energy being the main source of alternative energy to fuels in Cape Verde.
To be a company of excellence and a world reference in the renewable energy sector, creating value for its stakeholders and strongly committed to sustainability.
SUSTAINABILITY : promoting an improvement in the quality of life.
PROFISSIONALISM : in the provision of our services.
ETHICS and INTEGRITY : in conducting business.
INNOVATION : in cutting edge technological processes.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY : promoting education for a sustainable world.
PASSION : for clean energy.
We are committed to the socio-economic development of the country, contributing to make wind energy the main source of alternative energy to fuels in Cape Verde.
average availability of the turbines.
+ more than 500,000
tons of CO2 avoided to date.
of the electric energy produced in the country.
15 million
liters of fuel that the country no longer imports annually.
of clean energy generation.
MWh of clean energy produced so far.