
Social Responsability

Social responsibility is a concept according to which companies decide, on a voluntary basis, to contribute to a fairer society and a cleaner environment,because it is something important and in their long-term interest.

It is also defined, according to the International Standard ISO 26000, as the responsibility assumed by a company for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through ethical and transparent behavior.

It inevitably implies the coverage of three pillars: Social, Environmental, Economic.

Social Support

Support to important environmental and social projects,developed by the community, through its corporate social responsibility fund. For example, cleaning up coastal areas.

Environmental Education

Since 2013, Cabeólica has maintained its environmental education program in schools and local communities promoting environmental awareness,the need for conservation of local species and the importance of renewable energy.


O The educational program Nós Somos Energia / EOLO is a project dedicated to teaching about clean energy sources and energy efficiency.